Final recommendation regarding fallback rates for CIBOR
Danish financial sector has launched its third sustainability report
The Danish financial sector’s financing of green activities reached DKK 691 billion in 2022. DKK 9 billion of which came from the financing of zero- and low-emissions cars. Nine out of ten..
Public Consultation regarding a recommendation for a fallback rate for CIBOR
Finance Denmark and the UN Global Compact Network Denmark will facilitate more knowledge sharing on biodiversity among Nordic banks and companies
Banks, asset managers and companies need to learn more about how biodiversity considerations can be integrated into their business. That is why Finance Denmark is now launching a Nordic co..
Danish financial sector has launched its second sustainability report
The Danish financial sector’s financing of green activities reached DKK 548 billion in 2021. DKK 5 billion of which came from the financing of zero- and low-emissions cars. Advisers increa..
Final recommendation on the reformation of CITA
Public Consultation on the reformation of CITA (Copenhagen Interbank Tomorrow/Next Average)
Position paper on the proposal from the European Commission on amendments to the CRD
Position paper on the proposal from the European Commission on a review of the CRR
Finance Denmark has issued a joint position paper on the Commission’s CRR3 proposal together with the Swedish Bankers’ Association and Finance Finland.
Danish financial sector has launched its first sustainability report
The financial sector in Denmark has taken a lot of important green steps in 2020. This is the main conclusion in the sector’s recently published first sustainability report. Many financial..
Action plan for the financial sector’s climate partnership
Most Danish household’s finances are resilient to long-term unemployment during the corona crisis
The implications of suspending trading in Danish investment fund units
The exceptional market conditions seen in connection with the corona crisis can make it necessary in some cases to suspend trading in Danish investment fund units. The aim is to protect in..
Finance Denmark's comments on the European Commission's Roadmap for the forthcoming Farm to Fork Strategy
Finance Denmark supports the new Commission's focus on the climate and environmental challenges as expressed in the Commission's European Green Deal.
One step closer to easier and faster payments across the Nordic countries
It marks an important step for Nordic payments integration, that The Nordic Payments Council (NPC) now announces the publication of the NPC Instant Credit Transfer Scheme Rulebook. This wi..
DFBF authorised as Benchmark Administrator
The Danish Financial Benchmark Facility (DFBF) has been authorised as the Administrator of CIBOR and 3 other benchmarks of importance to the Danish financial markets.
Forum for Sustainable Finance 20 Recommendations to Finance Denmark
In January 2019 Finance Denmark set up the advisory ‘Forum for Sustainable Finance’, which was tasked with exploring and making recommendations on how the sector can contribute to a sustai..
25 proposals for anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures
Finance Denmark's Anti-Money Laundering Task Force presented 25 proposals for anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures.
Update regarding the Danish Reference Rates
Finance Denmark’s response to ESMA’s call for evidence on the impact of the inducements and costs and charges disclosure requirements under MiFID II
Finance Denmark1 have responded to ESMA’s call for evidence on the impact of inducements and cost & charges disclosure requirements under MiFID II.