The goal of our strategy is to support the financial sector's role as Denmark's financial engine and the ambition to create the best opportunities for growth, sustainability, digitalization, and working life in a safe, secure, and inclusive way.
We have identified six core areas as the focal point of our work to ensure that the financial sector can continue to support a sustainable and digital Denmark rich in opportunities:
1. Growth and development
The financial sector contributes to growth, development, and opportunities in Denmark.
2. Sustainable finance
The financial sector contributes to reaching political climate and biodiversity goals in Denmark and globally.
3. Digitisation
The financial sector promotes development of the digital society.
4. Safety and security
The financial sector enhances the safety and security of Denmark through the prevention of fraud and financial crime.
5. Financial learning and inclusion
The financial sector promotes financial understanding, consumer protection and financial inclusion.
6. A balanced labour market
The financial sector helps ensure and develop a balanced labour market and a sustainable working life.