The board of directors
The board of directors is made up of 10 members, which are chosen every year at the AGM. The chairman and vice-chairman are chosen from the elected board members. The board of directors usually meets 6 times per year and deals with Finance Denmark affairs that are a matter of principle.
The board of directors is legally competent to transact business when more than half of the board members are present. Each member has one vote and decisions are made based on simple majority voting. In cases of tied votes the chairman, or in their absence, the vice-chairman, has the casting vote. Board members as well as personal substitutes are chosen on a yearly basis. Board members are:
Board member | Personal Substitute |
Chairman Group Managing CEO Michael Rasmussen |
Group Managing Director Anders Jensen |
First Vice-Chairman Head of Personal Banking Denmark Mads Skovlund |
Bank Manager Helene Bløcher |
Second Vice-Chairman CEO Carsten Egeriis |
Bank Manager Christian Bornfeld |
Managing Director Ole Beith |
Bank Manager Lars Frank Jensen |
Managing Director John Christiansen |
Managing Director Claus Andersen |
Managing Director Lars Stensgaard Mørch |
Director Retail Banking Carsten Tirsbæk Madsen |
Managing Director Mark Luscombe |
Bank Manager Jørn Adam Møller |
Managing Director Jens Kr. A. Møller |
Managing Director Pernille Lohmann |
Managing Director Lasse Nyby |
Bank Manager Martin Kudsk Rasmussen |
Managing Director Klaus Skjødt |
Managing Director Allan Aaskov |
The chairmanship consists of the chairman and the vice-chairman, who – just like the rest of the board – are elected at the AGM for one year.
Executive board
The executive board consists of Managing Director, Lars Gert Lose and Deputy Managing Director, Ane Arnth Jensen.
Staff functions
Finance Denmark is divided by a range of staff functions and different business areas. See an overview of departments and staff here.
In addition, there is a range of committees that are appointed by the board of directors as needed.