European Mortgage Federation (EMF)
The European Mortgage Federation (EMF) is the voice of the mortgage industry in the EU. EMF was established in 1967 and represents the European mortgage banks and their trade organisations. The Association of Danish Mortgage Banks has been a member since 1973.
EMF's secretariat is located in Brussels and provides information to the members and the public on the developments of the mortgage credit sectors in the countries represented by the organization. EMF's secretariat deals with capital market conditions and consumer policy.
European Covered Bond Council (ECBC)
EMF established the European Covered Bond Council (ECBC) in 2004 to meet the heavily increasing global distribution and interest in covered bonds (CBs). The aim is to strengthen EMF's internal work with CBs, including mortgage bonds, and to raise the profile of CBs as an instrument to funding. ECBC focuses particularly on ratings, capital requirements and the development of statistical material. The Association of Danish Mortgage Banks participates in ECBC's various working groups.
ECBC has 84 members. These include bond issuing institutions, investment banks and commercial banks as well as rating agencies.
European Banking Industry Committee (EBIC)
The European Banking Industry Committee (EBIC) advises the European Commission and provides consultation responses to the Commission's proposals in the financial area. The Association of Danish Mortgage Banks is a member of EBIC through EMF. EBIC was established in 2004 through the Lamfalussy-decision procedure.
EBIC has five working groups:
- Mortgage credit loans/housing loans
- Consumer credit directive
- Financial integration/follow-up on financial action plan
- Supervisory conditions
- Laundering
The Association of Danish Mortgage Banks participates in the working groups dealing with Mortgage credit loans/housing loans and Supervisory conditions.
International Union for Housing Finance (IUHF)
The International Union for Housing Finance (IUHF) promotes the understanding and development of real property financing. IUHF was established in 1914 and has 108 members from 46 countries.
IUHF publishes surveys of the member countries' methods of financing real property as well as the quarterly magazine "Housing Finance International". IUHF's headquarter is situated in London.
Nordisk Realkreditsamråd (NRS)
The Nordic Mortgage Council (NRS) is a co-operation between the mortgage banks in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. It was established in 1932. The co-operation’s objective is to share and exchange experiences in the mortgage credit area in the Nordic countries.
The secretariat function shifts by turns among the participating countries.
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
The Association of Danish Mortgage Banks is a member of the European think tank the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) located in Brussels. The Association of Danish Mortgage Banks thus follows the development in the financial area in EU and globally.